




SCREAM project opening workshop

scream project and

Grieg collaboration project

The research project SCREAM: Symmetry, Curvature Reduction, and EquivAlence Methods is funded by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021. The registration number of the project is 2019/34/H/ST1/00636. It is a GRIEG collaboration project between Center for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (CFT PAN), and UiT The Arctic University of Norway.

The SCREAM Project Opening Workshop, held from August 15 to August 22, 2021, will bring together the members of the SCREAM project and international experts in the field of Cartan geometries and more general geometric structures. Its aim is to orient all participants in the overall goals and strategies of the SCREAM project and to initiate discussions about further developments and research directions. In addition to research talks by participants, there will be lectures and short introductory minicourses by experts with reviews of the state of art of various topics of relevance for the project.

The first part of the workshop will be joint with a research group of biologists from Nencki Institute and joint activities are planned as well. By bringing together researchers with different scientific backgrounds and by allowing for enough time for discussions and other activities, we hope to create an informal atmosphere where participants will have the opportunity to learn about new results and ideas.

Specific topics include: 

-Applications of differential geometry in biology

-Methods for classifying homogeneous geometric structures and applications to low-dimensional geometries of broad interest

-Geometric interpretation of dispersionless integrability

-Conformal and projective techniques in General Relativity 

-Mathematical aspects of Penroses's Conformal Cyclic Cosmology programme

The poster of the conference can be found here.

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